Dress Code
Dress Code
Appropriately Fitting Clothing: Clothing must be neat, clean, fit properly and be in good condition. Clothing must cover undergarments at all times, when sitting, standing, or bending over. Sagging or excessively baggy pants are not permitted. Excessively tight clothing will not be allowed. Clothing should be worn as it was designed to be worn. No oversized outerwear {i.e. trench coats) is allowed.{BP 5132)
Gang-Style Clothing: Clothing, which causes an intimidating or violent effect on campus, or clothing designating membership in non-school organizations, private clubs, or gangs is prohibited. No clothing style or articles of clothing including related to a group or gang or which may provoke others to acts of violence shall be worn on campus or at any school activity. The administration reserves the right to make changes in dress code policy in response to changes in gang styles. {This may include some collegiate, professional athletics attire) {BP 5132)
The following are examples of inappropriate dress for school and will not be allowed on campus:
Shirts that fail to cover the midriff, open back or open side shirts or dresses.
Strapless, backless, spaghetti straps, and low cut tops or dresses. *Straps must be 1" on tank tops.
Swim suits or other swimwear.
Short shorts (shorts must fall below the ends of the fingertips)
Sheer or see-through, clothing
Ripped or torn clothing where the rips are above the ends of the fingertips.
Initialed or monogrammed belts that do not represent the student's first or last name may not be worn. Belts may not be worn more than 4 inches too long and may not hang down. Only one buckle may be worn. (BP 5132)
No graffiti is allowed on clothing, belts, school supplies, or personal belongings used at school. (AR 5132 (2))
Safe footwear must be worn in shops and science classes at all times. Footwear that creates a safety or health hazard in shop and science classes is not permitted. (AR 5132(a)(l))
Clothing, symbols, markings, or accessories that suggest obscene gestures, pictures, wording, and/or drug, alcohol, tobacco, sexual, or occult related are not permitted . (AR 5132(a)(2))
Chains, of any kind, are not permitted, including chains from wallets. Rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, or chains of any type, which may be considered a safety hazard or used as a weapon, are not permitted. Sunglasses may not be worn inside school buildings or classrooms.(BP 5132)
The wearing of hats, caps or head coverings is not permitted in the classrooms during the school day. (AR 5132(a)(3))
Anything not specifically covered in above rules and regulations that are found to be disruptive to the educational process, or present a safety hazard, will be left to the discretion of the school administration. Any deviation from this policy must have written approval from Administration. If a teacher feels a student's manner of dress and grooming is disruptive to the educational process, he/she will refer the student to the office for discipline action . (AR 5132(a)(4))
Consequences for Dress Code Violations
The consequences are as follows when EHS staff have attempted all forms of behavior remediation and the issue of dress code has become a major behavioral issue:
Parent communication of dress code violations
The student will be sent to the office and will be required to change into appropriate clothing. If the student does not have appropriate clothing to change into a change of clothing will be provided by office staff. The student can also have a parent bring a change of clothes.
The student will change and the clothing will be confiscated until a parent can pick it up.