CTE Pathways


Esparto CTE teachers have worked to articulate with all of our school programs in the district to develop a district wide CTE Master Plan. This plan is a comprehensive, cooperative, and strategic approach to Career and Technical Education. Our CTE classes at the high school are dual-enrolled with local community colleges. Our students work with industry standard equipment and earn industry certifications in two pathways. Students work with many of our industry partners to earn on-the ­job work experience in internships throughout the county 

CTE gives students technical knowledge and hands-on training and education in career pathways. Students who complete a CTE pathway are able to graduate with skills and certifications that make them ready to enter the workforce or begin post-secondary education. For more information on CTE visit: https://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/ct/g

Education, Industry, and Community Partners

Esparto HS CTE Pathways 2022-10-03-en-US.pdf
Esparto HS CTE Pathways 2022-10-03-es-US.pdf

District CTE Advisory Information

23-24 CTE District Advisory Meeting
23-24 EUSD District Advisory Agenda